Our Lesson

Our Lesson

Welcome to a space where the fabric of reality weaves itself around the loom of our collective will. Here, within these digital walls, we explore the profound truth that the universe is a canvas, and our beliefs are the brushstrokes that shape its infinite landscapes.

"Before something can be true, one must believe that it is so."

In the heart of this exploration lies the mind, a powerful architect of the 'Here' and 'Now,' crafting worlds from the whispers of thought.

"Our actions are simply reactions to our thoughts."

This is not just a blog; it's a sanctuary for those who've felt the weight of invisible chains, a number in a vast, impersonal system, fed a diet of distorted histories and manipulated truths. Yet, amidst this, we've awakened to the immense power that flows within, around, and through us—a power to transform, to heal, and to transcend.

In the realm of "Lac Et Mel," we rediscover our innate abilities, our connection to the cosmic dance, and the joy of the Ananta Yatra—the infinite journey. We've come to understand that our powers were never lost, merely obscured by the fog of forgetfulness. Many among us are now witnessing the resurgence of these gifts, feeling the emotions of those around us, foreseeing the weave of future events, and receiving messages through the vivid tapestries of our dreams.

It all begins with the mastery of the mind, stepping beyond the autopilot of external programming, and reclaiming our sovereignty as cosmic beings.

"We are here to learn and explore, not to struggle and survive."

Our mission is to reconnect with our divine heritage, bestowed by the Divyah Srotah, and to chart a course towards the life of our deepest desires. Freedom beckons us to step into our greater selves, to continue our Ananta Yatra with eyes wide open to the wonders that surround us.

Our art, and everything we offer, is a tribute to this journey of reawakening, a beacon for those seeking to infuse their lives with the energy of creation, to respect and harmonize with Prakriti, the natural world.

"Paradise is Now!"

Imagine a heaven where dialogue with the divine is the norm, where living in paradise means engaging with its inhabitants. We've crafted a sanctuary for such encounters, a place where the celestial becomes tangible.

DMA is more than imagery; it's a vision for enlightenment, a toolkit for those ready to embrace a new reality, to tune into a higher frequency, and to gain insights that illuminate the path ahead. Here, you'll find a community, wisdom, and a perspective that has brought us clarity and gratitude for the entirety of existence.

Join us in this venture, where art is just the beginning, and the journey is shared. Together, we're not just navigating life; we're redefining it, creating a symphony of experiences that resonate with the beauty of life and the sanctity of nature.

Welcome to DMA, where the quest for paradise isn't a distant dream, but a present reality.

It is widely recognized that art profoundly influences the human psyche, eloquently speaking to us in a manner that evokes ideas, memories, and even latent aspects of our consciousness. Scientifically, elements such as colors, shapes, and geometric patterns significantly impact our perception and vibratory sequencing, thereby enriching our insights and knowledge. At DMA, we integrate art with spiritual teachings and scientific methodologies to yield unparalleled outcomes. Engaging actively with each art piece is designed to channel energy both to the observer and the environment where the artwork resides. We are well-versed in the science of auto-suggestion, among other psychological principles, enabling the mind to access beneficial dimensions.

Our artworks, especially sigils and paintings, are crafted to harmonize with their surroundings, fostering a synergistic interaction with the owner. We advocate for art that elicits constructive reactions, fostering emotions and thoughts that enhance the viewer's life, energy, and perspective. DMA is committed to fostering a world imbued with magic, compassion, and mysticism.

We acknowledge that societal narratives often exploit the mind, promoting chaos, trauma, and suffering to sustain a cycle driven by negative emotions for financial gain. The prevailing approach to trauma involves medication and psychotherapy, perpetuating dependency without offering genuine healing. In contrast, we champion a natural and holistic approach, recognizing the mind's paramount role in forging a reality filled with positivity, abundance, health, and peace.

DMA is founded on the revelation that art holds the potential to transform mental and emotional energy into a rejuvenating force, rekindling dormant senses and promoting renewal. Art encapsulates a rich tapestry of energies waiting to be unveiled by those in pursuit of enlightenment.

Observations indicate that affluent and successful individuals often surround themselves with art, not as a status symbol but as a source of inspiration and self-evolution. Their collections often reflect admiration for influential figures, aspirational self-images, and artworks that evoke specific emotions or mental states conducive to personal growth. At DMA, we aspire to provide art that serves as a catalyst for individual and collective transformation, reminding us of our intrinsic power, worth, and vision. Our mission is to populate spaces with art that resonates with peace, resolve, and greatness, thereby infusing positive energy into the lives and homes of people worldwide.

We are not merely creators; we are inspirers, motivators, and embracers of our true essence.

Our number one lesson, is to fill your home with energies that assist your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual growth. That will lead to a life loved.

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